Morning Rituals: How a Morning Routine Can Set You Up for Success

In today’s day and age, it’s easy to wake up and go straight to social media—and maybe spend just a little too much time there. You’ve spent too much time scrolling and now you don’t have time to make breakfast. You’re rushing to get ready, debating if you have time to run to Starbucks before your first meeting. You run out the door and forget your wallet…does any of this sound familiar? 

The way your morning starts has a significant impact on how the rest of your day unfolds. A great morning routine can boost confidence, improve productivity, and lower your stress, setting the right tone for your day.  

Here are four essential ingredients to a great morning routine: 

Avoid Checking Your Phone

Instead of checking Instagram or catching up on texts first thing in the morning, put your phone away and focus on the day. Instagram will still be there waiting when you’ve completed your routine! 

Set Your Intentions for the Day

Each one of us, especially company leaders, has a running to-do list that’s constantly growing in our heads—and it haunts us from the moment we wake up in the morning. So often, this list can become so jumbled that we feel overwhelmed with facing the day. Taking a few moments each morning to make a list of priorities, goals, and intentions can set you up for a productive day and significantly reduce stress. 

Figure Out What Gets You Out of Bed and Do It

Is it a hot cup of coffee? A refreshing shower? Your morning workout? Figure out what you love that motivates you to leave the comfort of bed every morning and make it your priority. 

Find Your Sweet Spot

Maybe you’re already an early bird or maybe you sleep until you have just enough time to make it out the door. It’s important to find the ideal wake time for you—a time that will give you enough wiggle room to get a few things done and start your morning off on the right foot. 

A bonus ingredient to a great morning routine is thankfulness. Take a moment and list three things you’re thankful for today. Setting your mind on the positive, good things in your life can only promote happiness, motivation, and mindfulness in the rest of your day. 

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