Four Ways Customer Success Videos Can Increase Your Bottom Line With Industry Leader, Dojo Films

Customer success videos have become a cornerstone of increasing engagement and sales. By capturing a customer’s success stories, companies are able to speak directly to their target audience and capture their attention without promoting themselves, it’s about as close to an organic, third-party referral as you can get. Not sold yet? Here’s a stat for you, according to a report by Proposify, Video drives 56% higher proposal engagement and helps close your deal 26% faster. While there is no denying the power of this kind of customer storytelling, it does present several logistical issues. 

Traveling to record the videos, knowing exactly how to capture their story, and producing them in a way that best represents your brand can be an entire business in itself. That’s why Dojo Films, under the leadership of Sam Ramsden and Thomas Voller, has emerged as the gold standard for brands looking to utilize customer success videos. With nearly a decade of global experience producing high-quality customer videos for brands such as Dell, Google, and more, Dojo Films has developed the perfect system and network for serving companies around the world. 

Here are four ways that using a company like Dojo Films to create customer success videos can increase your company’s bottom line.

Speak Directly To Your Target Audience

    Sam Ramsden of Dojo Films emphasizes the importance of emotional connection in customer success stories. “You’re telling a story to emotionally attach yourself to potential customers,” he states. This approach bypasses blatant self-promotion, instead fostering a genuine connection with viewers based on authentic, relevant reviews from their peers. By presenting real stories of people benefiting from a product or service, potential customers see a reflection of their own needs and aspirations, making them more likely to engage with the brand.

    Speed The Sales Process

      Customer success videos can significantly shorten the sales cycle. By providing potential buyers with relatable and compelling user testimonials, these videos quickly build trust and credibility. Tom Voller notes, “Salespeople love customer success videos. It makes their job much easier.” While customer videos help build relationships and close sales faster, through Dojo Films’’ global network of local crews and post-production expertise, they streamline the video production process, allowing for rapid deployment and integration into sales strategies.

      Increase Your Sales

      The ultimate goal of any marketing effort is to drive sales, and customer success videos are no exception. By showcasing genuine success stories, these videos serve as powerful endorsements, encouraging viewers to convert into customers. “Our unique business model is set up to create high-converting landing pages built around these videos,” says Ramsden. The approach Dojo Films takes ensures that each video is not only a testament to the customer’s journey but also a potent sales tool, tailored to the brand’s objectives and style.

      A Global Presence

      Dojo Films has a network of over 200 independent and vetted operators around the world. This network allows them to deploy teams quickly and at a lower cost no matter where they need to film for their clients. “We can activate crews and have boots on the ground very quickly. No accommodation or travel fees, we aren’t creating carbon.” With this global presence, Dojo Films can accommodate the demanding needs of its global partners with speed and efficiency. Another key selling point is that despite a global presence, clients only have a single point of contact. “Our model saves our customers time too because they’re not having to brief new teams in new regions, nor do they need to search for and on board new suppliers.” This saves businesses time as well as ensures that Dojo Films delivers a consistent tone, style, and voice no matter where their clients are located.

      If your company is ready to increase its bottom line while producing high-quality and engaging content, Customer success videos may be the next step of your journey. 

      For more tips or information about crafting and utilizing the perfect customer success video, you can visit the Dojo Films website or visit their founders on LinkedIn.

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