Could Outsourcing Be What Your Startup Needs?

As the founder of a startup, you often find yourself wearing multiple hats and juggling various tasks. However, as your business grows, the question arises: should I consider outsourcing certain tasks? Outsourcing can not only take a few things off your plate, but it can also contribute to your startup’s success. 

Joel Wolfe, founder of HiredSupport, encourages founders to ask themselves crucial questions to evaluate if outsourcing would help. “How much time are you spending per day on customer support?” and “What else could your time be better spent doing?” When you outsource certain tasks and jobs, you’ll be freed up to focus on leading your startup. 

Here are some common jobs your startup could outsource: 

Marketing Writing

You might not have time to sit down and write out extensive marketing copy. Outsourcing to a freelance marketing writer can free up hours of your time and deliver excellent results. 


Keeping up with the books is time-consuming, and if you’re not highly trained, it’s easy to make mistakes. Any oversights or miscalculations can have negative effects on your startup down the line. 

Social Media

While it might not seem like a big deal to post once or twice a day yourself, hiring a professional can help you reach a wider audience. A social media expert will know exactly who you’re trying to reach and the most effective way to reach them. 

Web Design

Having an eye-catching, easy-to-use website can make or break your online traffic. Hiring a professional to work out the kinks and create a site with an intuitive layout and beautiful design can help attract customers. 

While it may be tempting to want to have a hand in every aspect of your startup, taking a few things off your plate will help you be able to focus on what matters: leading your startup toward success. 

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