When Realism Trumps Optimism: How to Set Realistic Goals For Your Startup

It’s easy to bite off more than we can chew—and this is especially true of entrepreneurs in the midst of a new startup venture. It’s tempting to say “I’ve got this!” and pile more and more on your plate. However, this kind of optimism can be dangerous and even detrimental to the success of your startup. Often, it’s best to be realistic about your goals, achievements, and responsibilities. Here are three easy ways to keep it real(istic). 

Make Sure Your Goals are Attainable and Concrete

Rather than vague aspirations like “I want to raise more money for my startup this year,” be specific. Outline your goal with specific language and set a clear path toward your objective. It’s important to have clarity within your goals and to set measurable benchmarks for success. 

Make Sure Your Progress Is Measurable

Plan assessments or reviews to ensure you’re on target with your goals. If you can’t measure your progress, you need to rethink your goals and strategies. Being able to clearly see improvements (and setbacks) is crucial in propelling your startup forward.

Break Your Goals Down Into Actionable Steps

Sometimes, all you need is a step-by-step plan. Micro-planning creates daily and weekly targets that align with your long-term objectives. Creating specific, short-term goals enhances accountability and provides you with a clear roadmap for success. 

Navigating getting your startup off the ground can be tricky and exhausting—and setting unachievable goals isn’t going to help. Be kind to yourself by being realistic in your goal setting. You’ll thank us later!

Image credit: Unsplash

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