Adriana Delor’s Tips to Spark Industry Transformation

Innovation and transformation are never easy, but they are essential for companies looking to lead their industries into the future. Adriana Delor, an expert in corporate innovation across diverse sectors, provides key insights on how to spark major industry shifts. With over a decade of experience driving innovation at major corporations like IBM and Verizon, Adriana understands what it takes to make bold ideas become reality.

Recently, Adriana distills her approach into three main tips for catalyzing industry transformation. While speaking, she emphasizes the importance of bringing in “outsider” perspectives, observing people, and fully committing to the process. By following Adriana’s advice, companies can break free of stagnant thinking and create something truly groundbreaking.

Reset Your Mindset using “Non-Obvious” yet Relevant Outsiders 

Adriana’s first tip focuses on surrounding yourself with specific (and unusual) types of outside advisors and consultants. “You can’t create something different with the same mindset that you used to create what you have today,” Adriana asserts. She advocates turning to “outsiders” whose diverse perspectives can reset your mindset.

Adriana cautions against relying solely on internal teams or even industry consultants. “Unless you’ve taken a month-long trip to an ashram, you have the same lens as you always have. So, get outside help,” Adriana advises. Instead, she suggests building a team with over 50% of advisors from entirely different industries.

For example, if a beer company wanted to launch a haircare line, Adriana would have them consult not only haircare experts, but also beauty, hospitality, wellness – and other industries that have to do with self-care, vitality (or any other “gap” the beer company was intending to fill for the new target consumer). “In five minutes these [outsiders] will give you insights you won’t find anywhere else for that industry you’re after,” Adriana promises. Their cross-industry experience brings a wholly unique angle.

Observe People, Not Just Numbers

Adriana’s second tip may be her most crucial insight. “The biggest mistake all companies make – do not assume you’re done when you have that groundbreaking idea. At that point, you’re only 30% done,” she asserts.

The remaining 70% should focus heavily on observing people in general as well as target consumers. Adriana believes too many companies fixate on strategy without truly understanding their audience – and the world.

“Put your idea aside and observe people. What’s going on in their world?” Adriana asks. Track lifestyle changes, mindsets, and conversations to find surprising consumer insights. Then rigorously evaluate if your idea fits these discoveries.

“Ultimately, it’s people, your future audience, that will decide if you succeed,” says Adriana. Observing consumers now allows you to refine products and preemptively influence adoption.

Fully Commit to the Innovation Process

Adriana’s final tip is simpler but no less important. “You must fully believe in this process,” she emphasizes. Innovation demands commitment at all levels, from ideation to launch and beyond.

Adriana acknowledges transformational ideas seem unrealistic at first, making buy-in difficult. “Let’s justify why outside help makes sense. You must get out of your own head,” she explains. With full commitment to the collaborative process, seemingly impossible ideas become within reach.

Companies may only be 30% finished once they have a bold concept. Executing the next 70% of observing people and refining products requires complete confidence and dedication. “Focus as much or more on understanding people as you do on planning,” Adriana advises. With the right mindset shift, anything is possible.

An Industry Changer’s Insights

Throughout her distinguished career, Adriana has spearheaded innovation initiatives that redefined industries. Her unique approach leverages unexpected outsider advisors, human behavior insights, and full process commitment to turn crazy ideas into game-changing realities.

As Adriana summarizes, “I help companies create groundbreaking newness in new industries.” By heeding her tips, companies can tap into transformative thinking and unlock their industry’s future. Adriana provides an invaluable playbook for driving innovation beyond current boundaries.

If you want to learn more about Adriana Delor and her approach, visit her website or her LinkedIn profile.

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