Derrick Pledger on Tackling Tough Problems in Tech Leadership

Some leaders talk about embracing failure. Others live it every day. In the fast-moving world of government tech transformation, playing it safe is the riskiest move you can make. That’s not just management talk – it’s hard-earned wisdom from someone who learned about failure where mistakes cost more than market share. After spending 15 years pushing digital change through government’s toughest challenges, Derrick Pledger brings a combat veteran’s perspective to the tech world: if you’re not falling down occasionally, you’re not pushing hard enough. His approach? Simple but brutal – run straight at the problems everyone else avoids.

Embracing Risk for Real Growth

Walk into most offices, and you’ll hear a lot of talk about innovation. But Derrick cuts through the usual corporate speak with something he has picked up in the army. “I have always encouraged my teams to fail hard and to fail fast,” he says. Watching technology race forward, he saw too many people get left behind because they were afraid to stumble. His teams learn quick – if you’re not falling down occasionally, you’re not pushing hard enough. The easy path looks mighty tempting some days. Derrick sees it all the time – smart people choosing comfortable solutions over tough problems. “Many people shy away from difficult problems and seek comfort,” he notes. But the more you try to stay safe, the faster you sink.

Breaking Free from the Comfort Zone

Most people don’t wake up looking for a battle. But Derrick learned in combat that the worst fights are the ones you try to avoid. “Growth whether it be personal or professional is always triggered by struggle and doing things that are hard,” he says. Skip the struggle, skip the growth. It’s simple math, even if it’s not the kind of math most people want to hear.

Here’s what keeps Derrick up at night: watching talented people and promising projects crash because nobody asked the hard question up front. What’s the hard question? “Is your why important enough that you will sacrifice leisure or be uncomfortable temporarily in pursuit of achieving something meaningful?” he asks. Without a solid answer, people fold when things get tough. And in tech transformation, things always get tough.

Harnessing Discomfort for Transformation

Some folks think transformation is about fancy new tools or slick presentations. Derrick knows better. “A worthwhile pursuit is really about being very clear and honest about your why,” he explains. The tech part? That’s just details. The real transformation happens when people stop dodging difficult problems and start running toward them. Months in combat zones taught Derrick something most business consultants never learn: comfort is overrated. “Understanding your why and running toward problems is how you begin to create real value,” he says. His teams figure it out pretty quick – those breakthrough moments nobody else can reach? They’re always on the other side of uncomfortable.

In government agencies where change often moves like molasses, Derrick’s approach cuts through the usual excuses. His bestselling book on mindset isn’t about making things easier – it’s about making the hard stuff worth it. Because at the end of the day, nobody remembers the projects that played it safe. They remember the ones that made them sweat.

To learn more about Derrick Pledger and his approach, visit his website at or check out his LinkedIn profile.

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