How Mad Rabbit’s Founders Filled This Void in the Tattoo Aftercare Market

Oliver Zak, co-founder of Mad Rabbit, embarked on a journey that began with the realization of a significant gap in the market during his third tattoo appointment. Frustrated by the lack of proper guidance for tattoo aftercare and the ineffective solutions available, Zak saw an opportunity to create a more natural, clean, and vegan product for tattoo healing. This realization marked the birth of Mad Rabbit, a brand committed to revolutionizing tattoo aftercare.

How It All Began

In 2019, during his senior year of college, Zak, along with co-founder Selom Agbitor, set out to address the pain point he personally experienced. With Zak’s mother contributing her apothecary knowledge, the duo began experimenting with natural ingredients to formulate an all-natural moisturizer specifically designed for tattoo care. The initial product, a spot moisturizer with a shea and cocoa butter base, became the cornerstone of Mad Rabbit’s offerings for the first two years.

From Side Hustle to Business Venture

After the successful reception of their initial product, Zak and Agbitor decided to transition Mad Rabbit from a kitchen-based side hustle to a full-fledged venture. They traveled to Los Angeles to interview manufacturers, intensified their Facebook ads, and focused on brand-building through paid media. The success of their single balm product propelled Mad Rabbit to nearly $3 million in revenue within two years, signaling to the co-founders that they had something special.

Shark Tank Experience

In 2020, Mad Rabbit’s success caught the attention of the producers of Shark Tank, providing Zak and Agbitor with a dream opportunity. After a successful pitch, they secured a deal with Mark Cuban: $500,000 for a 12% stake in the company. The exposure from Shark Tank not only increased brand awareness but also facilitated the venture capital journey, leading to a Series A investment of $10 million in March 2023.

Overcoming Challenges and Planning Future Endeavors

Mad Rabbit faced its fair share of challenges, with a significant recent milestone being the brand’s entry into retail. Securing shelf space in physical stores, including a partnership with Walmart, represented a unique hurdle. Despite potential taboos associated with tattoos, Mad Rabbit succeeded in proving the cultural significance of tattoos, leveraging the growing adoption of body art.

Mad Rabbit continues to invest in influencer and celebrity partnerships while deepening its connections within the tattoo artist community. Zak emphasizes the importance of not only winning over clients for aftercare but also innovating products used in the tattooing process. For aspiring entrepreneurs, Zak suggests keeping their ventures as side hustles for as long as possible, particularly during college, where the lower risk allows room for valuable lessons and experimentation.

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