Jesper Thomsen Founded SOUNDBOKS With the Goal of Making the Loudest, Most Durable Speakers Possible

Originally from Scandinavia, Jesper Thomsen is shaking up the Bluetooth speaker scene with his company SOUNDBOKS. It all began with a simple mission: to enhance the party and camping atmosphere at the esteemed Roskilde Festival, Northern Europe’s premier music and arts event. Alongside two high school buddies, Thomsen worked hard to engineer speakers that were “the loudest, most durable speakers” possible. 

His journey wasn’t without its hurdles. From the early days of crafting speakers by hand in 2011, where the first prototype famously endured only 20 minutes before a mishap with spilled beer, to scaling up production to meet escalating demand, Thomsen and his team encountered many challenges with grit and determination. Despite initial setbacks, their dedication paid off when they witnessed an overwhelming response from festival attendees, with over 200 individuals eagerly shelling out $800 for their artisanal speakers in 2014.

In 2015, SOUNDBOKS made its official debut. Since then, the company has shipped over 300,000 speakers worldwide, captivating audiences with its fusion of Scandinavian aesthetics, cutting-edge technology, and unwavering dedication to excellence.

In advice to aspiring entrepreneurs, Thomsen stresses the importance of seeking guidance over mere funding. Drawing from personal experience, he emphasizes the significance of cultivating relationships with investors built on trust and mutual respect. By prioritizing counsel and demonstrating receptivity to feedback, entrepreneurs can attract investors who share their vision for success.

For Thomsen, entrepreneurship transcends mere business ventures; it’s about addressing challenges and meeting unmet needs head-on. “I believe it’s someone who fixes a problem or a need,” he says. “And if you’re a good one, you are relentlessly resourceful in your pursuit to solve it.” He champions the ethos that true entrepreneurs are defined by their unwavering pursuit of solutions and their ability to adapt and innovate in the face of adversity.

Image credit: SOUNDBOKS

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