Teenage Entrepreneur Jackob Shaidle's 4 Strategies on Building a Six Figure Business

Teenage Entrepreneur Jackob Shaidle’s 4 Strategies on Building a Six Figure Business

19 year old Jacob Shaidle is already living his dream running his startup Shaidle Cleaning. Shaidle has built a six-figure business from zero at an age where most of his peers are drowned in homeworks and social media. He achieved this incredible feat through a combination of strategies that he thinks are crucial for any new businesses to grow and scale up. 

Learn from Mentors and Find the Right Partners

There’s a saying: with the right vibes and the right people, something magical can be created. Shaidle learned this at an early stage of his entrepreneurial career. He sought out mentors who had already achieved the kind of success he was dreaming of. These mentors gave him valuable business insights and shared their experiences. It didn’t stop there. Shaidle started building strategic partnerships by collaborating with individuals and businesses that complement his skill set. These partnerships allowed him to provide more value to his customers right from the start and stand out among competitors.

Digitalization is Key

As Shaidel dipped his toes in the business world, he knew he had to go digital. Going digital for Shaidle is not only having a social media presence or a website. He saw social media as a stage where he could tell his story and connect with his customers. Shaidle focused on creating engaging and interactive content. Over time, he built a brand that resonated with people and his loyal customer base grew. According to the young entrepreneur, building a brand is not all that encompasses going digital. Streamlining business operations by digitalization of managing inventories and handling customers services greatly boosted the growth of Shaidle cleaning. With routine tasks being automated, Shaidle had ample free time to focus on tasks that really matter such as business development and innovation.

Automation Speeds Up the Process

Manual processes can only take a business so far, and Shaidle knows this. That’s why he turned to automation at the first opportunity. He automated menial tasks like email marketing campaigns, setting up chatbots and using financial management softwares. This not only saved time but also reduced the margin of error by a great extent. With day to day operations taken care of, he was able to focus more on the strategy aspect of running Shaidle Cleaning. He believes it was probably the most crucial element in scaling his business. 

A Rock Solid Team

Building a successful business is not a one man job. The quality of the team can make or break a business. That’s why Shaidle was meticulous and thoughtful in the hiring process. He sought for individuals who not only were skilled but had ethics and shared his vision. He places a high value on a team culture. He also emphasizes open communication and continuous learning. And it paid off. Shaidle was able to build a team that grew along him and the business. Moreover, this propelled Shaidle Cleaning forward and turned the shared goals into results.

Bottom Line

Jackob Shaidle’s journey from a teenage dreamer to a six figure entrepreneur is a great learning for aspiring entrepreneurs of any age. His success is not miraculous. It is deeply rooted in four key strategies that are applicable for any business. A combination of these strategies create a solid foundation for growing businesses. Shaidle’s journey is a powerful roadmap that shows with the right mindset, tools and support anybody can achieve entrepreneurial success. 

Image Source: pexels.com

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