Embrace the Stage: Strategies to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety

As a company leader, you do your fair share of public speaking, whether at company meetings, conferences, or events. However, some of us have anxiety when it comes to addressing a crowd—now matter how often we are required to do it! Here’s a quick list of some strategies that could help you master public speaking and overcome your hesitance. 

Know You’re Not Alone

Your first step is acknowledging that fear of public speaking is completely normal—you aren’t alone! You’d be surprised how many people who seem like a natural onstage are actually terrified. Don’t give in to the fears of judgment or feelings of vulnerability—trust that your audience is rooting for you and are interested in what you have to say. 

Unmask Your Fear

Ask yourself what you’re afraid of. Are you nervous you’ll mess up or say the wrong thing? Acknowledging the why is important in overcoming the fear. Figure out the root of the issue and tackle it head on. You can even discuss your reservations with your peers. You might discover that they have similar struggles and could offer tips that helped them.

Shift Your Focus

Instead of focusing on how nervous you are, shift that energy to your audience. Don’t worry about how you’ll be perceived: ask yourself what you have to offer the audience that no one else does. This shift in focus not only reduces fear but also helps you become a remarkable and memorable speaker.

You Can Improve

Lastly, remember that public speaking is a skill that can be learned. Practice can only make you better. Approach each speaking engagement with a positive mindset and the right preparation—and view it as an opportunity to improve. 

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