How Dawn Thompson is Advocating for Better Birth Experiences

“We’re not just filling gaps; we’re empowering families to ask the right questions, and to make informed decisions that align with their values and needs.”

The journey of pregnancy and birth is meant to be a beautiful, empowering experience. But for too many women in America, it is marked by fear, isolation, and unnecessary medical interventions. Dawn Thompson saw these failings within our maternal healthcare system firsthand while working with hundreds of families over the years. Now, she’s on a mission to reshape the landscape of maternal health through her platform – Birthify.

The Broken State of Maternal Healthcare

The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate among developed nations, and it continues to climb. 1 in 3 births results in a C-section, despite the World Health Organization recommending C-sections be used only when medically necessary. Rates of postpartum depression have also risen, yet too many mothers suffer alone.

Dawn has witnessed the consequences of these failings firsthand. She’s seen the fear in a mother’s eyes when she’s told she needs a C-section without understanding why. The isolation and darkness of untreated postpartum depression. The exhaustion of feeling utterly unsupported.

“Over the years, I’ve worked with hundreds of families, helping them navigate these challenges,” Dawn shares. “I’ve seen the power of knowledge and support—the difference it makes when families are truly informed and have access to continuous, compassionate care.”

Overuse of Unnecessary Interventions

A key driver of poor maternal outcomes is the overuse of unnecessary medical interventions like C-sections and inductions. As Dawn explains, these are often used for convenience or legal risk reduction versus legitimate medical need.

“The current medical system often prioritizes convenience, efficiency, and risk management over individualized care,” says Dawn. “Interventions like inductions and C-sections are sometimes used not because they’re medically necessary but because they fit into a hospital’s schedule or mitigate legal risks.”

However, overusing interventions carries risks. Recovering from a C-section is more difficult and can have lifelong impacts. And too often, women aren’t fully informed of these risks when told it’s “what’s best.”

The Critical Postpartum Period

Another failing Dawn has witnessed is the lack of postpartum support. This critical time for bonding, healing, and adjusting is often marked by isolation and the onset of postpartum depression.

Shockingly, 1 in 8 new mothers experience postpartum depression. Yet Dawn has seen time and again how this common condition leads to silent suffering.

“Too many suffer in silence, feeling that they should be able to handle it on their own,” Dawn observes.

She argues we need to recognize quality postpartum care is just as vital as prenatal care. And perinatal mental healthcare must be a priority.

Importance of Continuous Support

Given the many cracks families can fall through, continuous support is critical. Whether through midwives, doulas, or virtual platforms like Birthify, having compassionate support makes a tangible difference.

“Continuous support is key,” Dawn emphasizes. “Whether it’s through a midwife, a doula, or a platform like Birthify, having someone by your side who understands your journey and advocates for your needs can make all the difference.”

Studies back up this benefit. Midwife-led care reduces unnecessary interventions and improves outcomes. Doulas provide support that reduces healthcare costs and prevent unnecessary medical visits.

“Another critical solution is the role of doulas,” says Dawn. “Doulas not only provide emotional and informational support but also help reduce healthcare costs by preventing unnecessary trips to urgent care, the ER, and doctor’s visits.”

Envisioning a More Supportive Future

Dawn invites us to envision a future where the maternal journey is marked by confidence and compassionate care—not fear and isolation. A future where unnecessary interventions are rare, and mental healthcare is seamlessly integrated.

“Imagine a future where every mother feels confident and supported throughout her entire journey. Where unnecessary interventions are the exception, not the norm. Where postpartum depression is met with immediate, compassionate care,” Dawn proposes. “This isn’t just a dream—it’s a reality we can create.”

She believes this transformation starts with embracing midwifery-led care and expanding access to continuous support through birth doulas and platforms like Birthify. It means empowering women with knowledge and reshaping how we approach maternal health holistically.

Dawn Thompson and Birthify demonstrate the profound impact personalized, compassionate support can make for mothers and families navigating the journey of pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood. To learn more about her, you can visit her LinkedIn profile here.

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