Matt Hasan’s Blueprint for Successful AI Implementation

AI is transforming businesses, but many struggle to achieve the results they expected. According to firms like Gartner and McKinsey, up to 80% of AI initiatives fail to deliver on anticipated outcomes. Dr. Matt Hasan, CEO and founder of aiRESULTS, believes proper assessment is the key to AI implementation. With over 30 years pioneering analytics and AI solutions for major global companies, he now leads aiRESULTS in a mission to help organizations adopt AI that truly impacts bottom lines.

Enhancing Human Potential with AI

For Matt, AI and advanced analytics are about enhancing human potential. He explains, “AI is not going to solve everybody’s problems and it’s not going to replace human beings, at least not in our lifetimes.” While certain routine tasks will be automated, he believes, “Where [humans] make the difference from machines is our creativity. Our natural tendency to come up with different kinds of things, we’re dreamers.” Fostering this human spirit and creativity is central to how Matt approaches AI and building his company’s culture.

Matt first became fascinated with pioneering analytics methodologies while earning his Ph.D. in quantitative economics. He recounts, “I was using optimal control theory and neural networks before most people even knew what I was talking about.” Over the years, Matt spearheaded analytics initiatives for major companies, often ruffling feathers as an “intrapreneur” challenging the status quo. He reflects, “The reason I left the big companies is because I could not do what I wanted to do within the confines of a big bureaucracy.”

Key Elements for AI Success

When implementing AI, Matt stresses, “Do a proper assessment. You may think it’s going to cost you a bit more now, but it’ll cost you much more later.” He outlines five key elements organizations must evaluate: people, process, technology, data, and culture. Ignoring any dimension leads to delivering subpar results.

Matt also shares lessons from his executive experience on inspirational leadership. “You lead by example. Get the maximum productivity from people by inspiring them, making them excited about something so they want to do it.” He strives to create an energized team focused on continuous learning. His team actively strengthen their AI and analytics skills through MIT courses and more.

Above all, Matt focuses his team on rapidly achieving results. He explains, “Always be very goal-oriented, make sure that you don’t lose sight of that, and just make sure that you get some points on the board as you’re going along.” This results-driven mentality empowers clients to see bottom line business impacts from AI.

AI’s Role in Future Industries

Looking ahead, Matt sees AI driving transformation across industries, especially in areas like marketing, customer lifecycle management, and advertising. For example, AI can automate high volumes of repetitive content creation. This will displace many traditional copywriting jobs. However, creatives in these fields have opportunities to pivot into more strategic roles AI cannot fill.

Healthcare is another field AI will substantially benefit through improving diagnostic accuracy. “There’s going to be much more precision because human beings make all kinds of errors,” reflects Matt. AI’s reliable analysis will enable clinicians to focus more on creative, high-level tasks best suited for human cognition.

Overall, Matt believes finding the right synergies between human and machine intelligence will maximize innovations emerging from AI technology across every industry. He summarizes, “That hybrid solution, where are you going to find that optimal combination between human and machine…that’s going to happen in a whole host of industries.”

Implementing AI That Works

For business leaders planning AI initiatives, Matt emphasizes, “human beings come first, because the whole world is about human beings. It’s not about machines.” AI should enhance people’s potential and experiences, not replace the human workforce completely. Matt is set to publish his book, titled AI, Marketing and the Customer: Dr. Matt’s Musings, later this month. The book explores effective AI implementation.

Matt Hasan brings decades of experience spearheading analytics and AI for top global brands. At aiRESULTS, he’s on a mission to redefine how companies leverage AI. By focusing on the human element and laser targeting measurable business results, Matt provides a blueprint for AI done right.

To learn more about Matt Hasan and his approach, check out his LinkedIn Profile.

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